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Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
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I bought X premium.

Hey everyone, I am trying to grow my social media presence and recently purchased X blue. I will be sharing how it works on my X. I also share my startup journey publicly using this hashtag- #buildinpublic. Let's connect - Share yours below
Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
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Would love to integrate with this. Pls tell next steps.
Humanize AI Text
Humanize AI Text
Transform AI writing to be more human like
Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
left a comment
This looks awesome. Would love to try it out.
Falcon AI
Falcon AI
Your AI Scrum Master
Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
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Lets connect to grow our socials! Share yours below-
Sanket Goyal
I hit 200 days Streak on PH. Let's connect on Product Hunt and Twitter/X to grow our reach!
Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
started a discussion

I hit 200 days Streak on PH. Let's connect on Product Hunt and Twitter/X to grow our reach! Share your social handles below-
Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
left a comment
Lets connect to grow our socials!
Sanket Goyal
Let's connect on Product Hunt and Twitter/X to grow our reach!
+1 comment
Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
started a discussion

Let's connect on Product Hunt and Twitter/X to grow our reach! Share your social handles below-
Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
left a comment
Lets connect!
Sanket Goyal
Let us connect on Product Hunt and Twitter and to grow our reach!
Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
started a discussion

Let us connect on Product Hunt and Twitter and to grow our reach!
Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
left a comment
Great to see your launch! Wishing you all the best!
AI powered website audit tool, enhance UX & boost conversion
+1 comment
Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
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Tried it, worked smoothly. Loving the speed of execution Merlin team 🚀.
Pixplain by Merlin AI
Convert screenshots into insights by one-click GPT-4 vision
Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
started a discussion

How do you keep creative juices flowing when working at home?

We know that productivity is a daily challenge for remote workers. I am guilty. So I am curious how you guys keep productivity at peak (or at a functioning level, at least) while working remotely? A good night's sleep and a cup of coffee/matcha are great boosts for me. How about you?
Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
started a discussion

What is missing in the educational UI/UX market?

Shoot your thoughts!
Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
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Do share what worked for you and what didnt
Sanket Goyal
How to start your product marketing from scratch
+1 comment
Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
started a discussion

How to start your product marketing from scratch

Hey Product Hunters, share your strategy on how to start product marketing from zero. I am trying to do it here-
Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
started a discussion

How do you grow a community around the product?

We all know that a community can increase sales and grow the product. But it’s hard to make people interested in the product before it is launched. How do you unite people in a community and stir up interest?
Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
started a discussion

How do you build your personal brand on Twitter?

I've seen people go from 0 to thousands of followers in a few months, all because they zoned in on building a personal brand. Do you have any tips for makers that want to do the same? I am trying to do it here -
Sanket Goyal
Sanket Goyal
started a discussion

Have you ever deleted an app due to privacy concerns?

I've removed some apps because of the privacy setting requirements e.g., access to contacts when I don't feel it's an essential part of enjoying the app's features. Curious to see the results.