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Sanjay Nediyara
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Hi PH Community 👋🏼
I have been quietly building an LLC Management product for the past four years. We started with business formation, then added invoicing, taxes, and accounting. As we grew the customer base, we started adding more and more features until one day, I felt like we had too many products and very complicated pricing. We were doing phone, mailing addresses, agreement generators,...

Setup and manage your LLC on a single plan

DeltaHub is an all-in-one platform to setup and manage your LLC on a Single plan. Everything from LLC Formation, EIN, and Bank Account, along with annual compliance, accounting and tax filing on a single platform.

Setup and manage your LLC on a single plan

With Start, you can launch and run a US business from anywhere in the world. We handle all your back office operations: LLC formation, registered agent, EIN, business bank account, monthly bookkeeping, accounting and taxes (prep, filing, payment).

Launch and run your US business from anywhere in the world

Sanjay Nediyara
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Hello all 👋 We are very excited to launch Start to the world 🚀 With Start, you can launch and run a US business from anywhere in the world. We handle all your back-office operations: LLC formation, registered agent, EIN, business bank account, monthly bookkeeping, accounting, and taxes (prep, filing, payment).
A single subscription: $299/month
Start take care of :
1. Formation in the state...

Launch and run your US business from anywhere in the world

Sanjay Nediyara
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I couldn’t help but notice your banner being in the official Slack app marketplace. Is this separate from the main product? What are some of the use cases for it?
Build, share & run developer workflows in the CLI + Slack

Requirement collection + file upload + Call scheduling for freelancers and agencies in a streamlined format. Your clients get easy to fill chat-like experience.
Say goodbye to boring contact forms, emails and unproductive first calls.

Requirement collection for freelancers and agencies.

Curated directory over 250,000+ leads across 100+ websites bookmarked for freelancer.
Get Leads
Curated directory of 100+ websites to get freelance work.

Sieve is a complete platform for running your freelance business without paying a percentage of your earnings.
We’ve built every tool you need to run your freelancing business faster and more efficiently — Client on-boarding, Requirement collection, NDAs, Estimations, Agreements, Invoicing and Payments.
Sieve 2.0
A complete platform for technology freelancers

Sanjay Nediyara
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Hey Product Hunt! 👋
When we launched last time, we were scrappy and had incomplete features, PH and a hacker news discussion revealed a lot of what we were missing. As @bentossell mentioned, it was a lot of $$ to signup for.
Now after months of hard work, we're super excited to introduce Sieve 2.0 🚀 –– a complete platform for running your freelance business — without paying a percentage of...
Sieve 2.0
A complete platform for technology freelancers

Target Your Competitor 2.0 is one of the most effective growth campaign tool for your product. We send a personalised tweet to all the followers of your competitor on Twitter from real people.

Target Your Competitor 2.0
Instant growth tool for makers and B2C products

Sanjay Nediyara
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To our friends on Product Hunt - I am here with a version 2 of a little controversial product :) and this time with a track record of success!
Building a product is hard; growth and marketing can be even harder because no one solution fits all. But over the years, we realised that one of the most effective growth campaigns for your product is to target the followers of your competitor. That’s...

Target Your Competitor 2.0
Instant growth tool for makers and B2C products

Target Your Competitor
Tweet your product to all the followers of your competitor.

Sanjay Nediyara
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Hello Product Hunters! 👋
This is an accidental product when I was working on my other product. I was tinkering on how to find my first set of customers and it hit me to target the followers of my competitor. They would be my highest prospective customers. Thus! Now after successful internal usage we are releasing this to help other makers kickstart your product!
We send...

Target Your Competitor
Tweet your product to all the followers of your competitor.