Sandro G

Sandro G

Lead Software Engineer at
32 points
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Sandro G
Sandro G
left a comment
I've tried it and it's pretty accurate! Nice tool!
Your AI assistant for YouTube workouts
Sandro G
Sandro G
left a comment
Is this product iPhone only? Seems pretty cool!
3D scans for ultra-sustainable & custom-built jeans
Sandro G
Sandro G
left a comment
Looks pretty cool! Very inspirational and can be relaxing.
WindowSwap 2.0
WindowSwap 2.0
Open a new window somewhere in the world.
Sandro G
Sandro G
left a comment
Just tried it. The results are pretty good I think! Good work!
Meaningful brand names, free logo, social & domain check
Sandro G
Sandro G
left a comment
Pretty cool! Well done!
Scroll music tabs with your head
Sandro G
Sandro G
left a comment
I love the design! Nice work!
Daft Punk Cafe
Daft Punk Cafe
Fun place for all Daft Punk fans around the world
Sandro G
Sandro G
left a comment
Awesome! I tried it and it seems to work very nicely!
Spotify Blend (Beta)
Spotify Blend (Beta)
A new way for two friends to merge their musical tastes
Sandro G
Sandro G
left a comment
Congrats on the launch! Seems very useful!
GoSun Chillest
GoSun Chillest
Coolers are a pain in the ice, go solar
Sandro G
Sandro G
left a comment
Nice product! Cool music!
The super-summer music player