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This is a 1-day project that I've built to make sure I can add "Directed by Robert B. Weide" or other meme endings to video bug reports that I submit. Hope you'll find it useful to sweeten the days of developers / customer support / friends watching your videos :)

Ma Credits
Spice up your video with a sweet ending/credits

Are you QA engineer submitting a UI bug report?
Are you sending a video to customer support with UI bug showcase?
Or you just recorded a funny video?
Whatever the video is, it deserves a sweet, meme ending. Add it with to make a masterpiece.

Ma Credits
Spice up your video with a sweet ending/credits

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Have not been building with lego for a long time. This looks so great that I want to buy some sets, just for testing!

Use ML to detect what can be built from your pile of legos

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Great idea! I’ve tried to configure my first plan and got “An unexpected error has occurred.” when typing number of customers per month. Hope my report will help. Good luck!

SaaS Pricing Calculator
Figure out the right pricing for your SaaS product

Have you ever tried to agree on meetup date and time with several people? How many backs and forths you had to find the best option?
Share meetup link, so everybody can put calendar options sutible to them. Busy Zone will find optimal schedule for you.
Busy Zone
Find date and time to meet with friends

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Hi Product Hunt community!
Me and friends were struggling with planning of our boardgames playing sessions. We have floating work schedule, business trips, vacations, etc. In time it became a big pain to find the right date and time when everybody can join. Sometimes we could not even schedule a birthday celebration.
I tried to find a good planner to help this situation but they fell into two...
Busy Zone
Find date and time to meet with friends

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Gitlab (repo, task tracker) + Trello (notes, ideas) + Figma (designs and sketches)
What SaaS products does your startup use that you couldn't live without?
Sharath Kuruganty
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