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    sajid saiyed
    sajid saiyed
    started a discussion

    About launching a completely new pivoted product but same name as previous launch

    Hi, We had launched a product a while ago on Product Hunt and now we have completed pivoted and redesigned our product but the name is still the same. Would it be possible for us to launch this updated product of will Product Hunt consider is launching the same product again and the logo and name are still the same.
    sajid saiyed
    āœØ Generate high quality AI art prompts for platforms like Midjourney. šŸ–„ Highly interactive and easy to use user interface. šŸ—‚ Create your own repository of quality prompts to re-use later. šŸ‘€ Assign images to prompts for easy recollection.
    A platform for prompt engineers to generate AI art prompts
    sajid saiyed
    sajid saiyed
    left a comment
    Me and my son created this project.
    A miniature pottery wheel
    sajid saiyed
    MINIMA is a beautifully crafted and most advanced miniature pottery wheel. It is easy to assemble and small to be carried in a backpack. The centering and opening arms of MINIMA are designed for novice and experts to quickly center and open the tiny pots.
    A miniature pottery wheel
    sajid saiyed
    Being in Silicon Valley, where technology is changing so fast, we are somehow loosing touch with our technological past. This jewelry project is a great way to not only remember the history but to also flaunt it and make it visible.
    Tech jewelry for tech generation (by a high school student)