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Saif Al Falah
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That intro video is sickkk. How did you create that? Which tool I mean.
Freshly ground social metrics delivered to your inbox

Saif Al Falah
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Is your email subscribe button not working? I'm clicking on Submit and nothing is happening.

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Find the communities that you love online

Saif Al Falah
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This is nice!

Lighthouse Keeper
Lighthouse score monitoring and notifications, for free.

Saif Al Falah
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This is just filled to the brim with great content. I absolutely love at this point. ✌
Six Figure Freelancer by AND CO
Start, grow and sustain a six figure income as a freelancer

Saif Al Falah
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Wouldn't it have been nice if the course website were made with Vue?

30 Days of Vue
Learn Vue in 30 Days

Saif Al Falah
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No Windows app?
AND CO Desktop App
A free app to track time, tasks, and run a freelance career.

Saif Al Falah
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1200$ for a laptop with dual core processor and DDR3 RAM in no way justifies the premium Apple is asking for it. No matter how good the retina display is.
Pros: Build quality and the hardware software integration
Cons: Doesn't justify its price

Macbook Air with Retina
The popular laptop with more power and a beautiful display

Saif Al Falah
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1200$ for a dual core laptop with DDR3 RAM? I'll pass.

Macbook Air with Retina
The popular laptop with more power and a beautiful display

Saif Al Falah
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Hi Jason. Great app. May I know what API you are using? Tesla's official API or some unofficial API?
Valet for Tesla
Control your Tesla from you Mac's menu bar.

Saif Al Falah
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Slightly misleading. Videos are about AppDrag. Not serverless paradigm as a whole.
Cloud Academy
Learn serverless full stack with 10min videos

Saif Al Falah
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63$ for the premium plan? That's a very odd (read unusual) price point.
So why should I use this instead of using an npm module and running it through a task runner?

Unused CSS
Easily find and remove unused CSS rules

Saif Al Falah
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You gotta fix your website for sm sizes. Works great on xs, doesn't work so great on sm.

Make your macOS Dock faster

Saif Al Falah
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Wow. This is nice. Any plans to include non crypto based payments?
Request Server
The most minimalist cloud hosting service.

Saif Al Falah
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I like Cheese. However, it repeatedly tells me to look at the phone when I am looking at the phone.
Try not to laugh. A multiplayer game for iPhone.

Saif Al Falah
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With prejudice, I thought this would have same photos as Unsplash. But I was presently surprised when it returned some really great photos for some keywords. Great job guys and I'm sorry for the judging.

Tons of uniquely free stock photos. Handpicked & non-stocky

Saif Al Falah
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Only thing that undersells this is its unimaginative name.
Clean, simple, hassle-free logo design

Saif Al Falah
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Just asked @lucy_guo out on a date. The app works perfectly and it's actually fun (and work) to apply. And since you're not just swiping and it takes effort, it weeds out non-serious candidates. Ha!
Apply To Date
Your own Bachelor(ette) page where people apply to date you