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  • Ross Rojek

    Ross Rojek

    CTO, GoLocalApps.com, Apptoolkit.io
    638 points
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    Ross Rojek
    Ross Rojek
    left a comment
    Can't wait to see the VR version of this.
    It's like a whiteboard, but waaay better. From Google.
    Ross Rojek

    Book Your Sales is a collection of interviews with authors about how they marketed and sold their books. Authors of all types can find help, inspiration and new ideas for their own book sales and marketing.

    Book Your Sales
    Book Your Sales
    How authors market and sell their books
    Ross Rojek

    AppToolkit SDK is a tool allowing developers to modify their app code and features on the fly without needing a resubmit and lets them identify and target their apps "super users" that use the app the most often. Easy to implement and infinite ways to use it.

    AppToolkit SDK
    Find your super users and engage with them!