Ryosuke Suzuki

Ryosuke Suzuki

I'm a software developer! Love product.
10 points
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Ryosuke Suzuki
Ryosuke Suzuki
left a comment
wow! this is what i looking for!! thanks for your tips🥳
100 UI/UX Tips
100 UI/UX Tips
A collection of tips to make your interface better
Ryosuke Suzuki
Ryosuke Suzuki
left a comment
very interesting!!
Make no-code video games to engage ur audience
Ryosuke Suzuki
Enable to tweet markdown as image. You can share your code, formula, and writing in seconds. Syntax highlight, math formula, front-matter, css customize, and a lot of features in TwitterMD!

Happy, tweet days!
Tweet markdown as image, share your writing and code
Ryosuke Suzuki
Ryosuke Suzuki
started a discussion

Auth with Password vs Passwordless. Give me your opinions!

There are many login/signup model. - social logins - passwordless logins - email and password login - combination of these Implementing auth in my product, I am curious about needs for password login. Implementing password login is a bit troublesome and filling password bothers me to login.
Ryosuke Suzuki
Ryosuke Suzuki
left a comment
Looks fun!! congrats on your launch🎉
dzook 2.0
Transform yourself into a character in different art styles
Ryosuke Suzuki
Ryosuke Suzuki
left a comment
Looks amazing and useful!! Thanks for making this!
Cook up app icons for any platform