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Ryan Strickler
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Job Boardly is a great product.
I've been using it for over a year now and it's been a top notch experience.
Kyle and Jason provide exceptional customer service and are consistently adding useful features.
Highly recommended! If you're thinking of starting up a job board, this is the way to go!

Job Boardly
Launch a fully-functional, SEO-friendly job board in minutes

Ryan Strickler
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Hello, Product Hunt! 👋
I built Snailbox to scratch my own itch. I was juggling multiple client projects and trying to carve out time for working on side projects and my inbox was a huge distraction. So easy to check my email and end up down the rabbit hole.
Tim Ferriss talked about batching his email at 11am and 4pm way back in the 4-Hour Workweek, so this isn't a new idea. Snailbox can help...

Batch your Gmail and focus on deep work

Email can be a huge distraction.
Schedule your email at specific times and recover the time you're losing to your inbox.
When it's time to "do email", all your messages show up in one batch.
You knock them out all at once instead of interrupting your flow..

Batch your Gmail and focus on deep work