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Ryan Rodenbaugh
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I am a huge fan! I've used Encarte on a few websites that had clunky checkout experiences and they completely streamline the checkout process. I think I was one of the earliest users and they were also very responsive to some of my feedback (being able to add gift codes, etc.). I look forward to seeing where they take the product :) @george_fang
Encarte 2.0
Fastest way to checkout online

Ryan Rodenbaugh
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The first time I came across this, it was the creepiest thing ever.

Google Maps Timeline
Rediscover all places you've been by exploring your timeline

Ryan Rodenbaugh
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Let's see what @tferriss has to say
HVMN Ketone
The world's first and only ketone ester

Ryan Rodenbaugh
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I used to work somewhere where they were too cheap to buy some sort of bulk mailing platform and the old intern used to send e-mails by hand. I shared YAMM with some friends and got up to 100ish emails/day. I became the office rock star. I 10/10 recommend to anyone who needs to send bulk emails often. Thanks for an awesome (and inexpensive) product.

Yet Another Mail Merge (YAMM)
Run well-targeted email campaigns with Gmail & Google Sheets

Ryan Rodenbaugh
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Cool idea. Sad that something like this is needed. What I have found (for the past 8 months now) that really works for me was deleting Facebook and Instagram off of my phone. Those are 0-value add applications that acted solely as distractions. I do still have Twitter, but I use Twitter much more as a news and information platform.
Light Phone
Phone designed to be used as little as possible

Ryan Rodenbaugh
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Here I was thinking Zuckerberg was just wearing Hanes tees...

Zuckerberg Shirt
It's grey and it always will be.

Ryan Rodenbaugh
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I find the interface to be a little bit confusing, but I also view it as a stripped down version of a company's Crunchbase page. Granted, most companies don't keep an active Crunchbase presence in terms of updating employees outside of a few key execs (whose page generally link to their Twitters, LinkedIns, personal sites, etc.)

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