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Ruben T
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Free Virtual Sweaty Party
What is it?
It is 55 minutes of jumping, sweating, swearing (sometimes), yelling, laughing, dancing, kicking, punching, squatting, no judging and empowering each other. It is a bit of Zumba, a bit of HIIT and a lot of jumping around. Bring your squad, meet mine.
How do I join?
Enter your email and you will be informed of the next sessions.

Rebel Origin
Free Live Cardio Classes For Quarantine

What is it?
55 minutes of Zumba, HIIT and a lot of jumping around. Bring your squad, meet mine.
For our mental health, our immune system and because my loved ones are in different parts of the world so this is my way of showing up for them.

Rebel Origin
Free Live Cardio Classes For Quarantine

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