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Rose Kamal Love
Rose Kamal Love
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Thanks, man, for sharing a comprehensive list! I will use it for my next launch.
André J
Amplify your storytelling by blending these AI writing tools 🤖
Rose Kamal Love
Rose Kamal Love
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We are so close to a 100 Upvotes... This is carzy!

Hey everyone, we have launched Kroto finally on Product Hunt and have secured 90+ Upvotes. Let's make it a hundred Ya'll! Link to the launch:
Rose Kamal Love
Kroto lets creators create a course insanely fast using simple text prompts and makes it highly interactive through an intuitive notion-like chapter editor, seamlessly integrating videos, markdown, code embeds, coding exercises, and design files.
Kroto - AI
Build and sell courses as if you're writing a Notion Page
Rose Kamal Love
Rose Kamal Love
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Twitter VS LinkedIn

I have around 4K followers on LinkedIn and get an average of 10K impressions on every post. But I am struggling to get a good following and impressions on Twitter, any suggestions? Here are my links Twitter: LinkedIn:
Rose Kamal Love
Rose Kamal Love
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This looks really cool!
Hiresh Bremanand
Looking for startup ideas?
Hiresh Bremanand
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Rose Kamal Love
Rose Kamal Love
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This is very interesting, just created a PR
Mahsima Dastan
A list of AI directories to help introduce your AI tools
Mahsima Dastan
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