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Miguel Rosario
Take and share notes on YouTube with ease. YouTubeNotes allows you to capture notes and sync them across devices and browsers. You can also share your notes with others. Find a good CSS tip? take a note of it. Learned a new recipe? capture it and share
Take and share notes for videos you watch on YouTube
Miguel Rosario
Want to generate QR codes from the files in your Google Drive account? GDriveToQRCode allows you to do just that. Whether you are generating a school newsletter, restaurant menu, shareable pdf file, or whatever; all can be done now with 1-click
Mass create QRCodes from your Google Drive Account files
Miguel Rosario
Numleet is a math thinking game where you need to derive the equations from the answer and numbers supplied. For instance, you can get (easy example) 10, 6, 2, 2 and two correct solutions would be 6 * 2 - 2 or 6 + 2 + 2. Levels choices are included
Math game that challenges you to find correct equation in 1m
Miguel Rosario
CompetitionTube allows you to create competitions of any kind from YouTube videos.
Want to know who sings the best? What advertisement appeals to people most? Which comedian is the funniest? Create it and let people vote on it! Easy to share on social media
Create video competitions, share, vote, discover the best!