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Rohan Bhardwaj
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Dark mode is the most asked feature.
So, I made this simple one click dark mode plugin for Wordpress site.
Hope you guys like it.

One Click Dark Mode
Enable Dark mode for your Wordpress site

Download the plugin. Upload the plugin.
Your WordPress site will now have a one-click dark mode.

One Click Dark Mode
Enable Dark mode for your Wordpress site

Rohan Bhardwaj
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Copy is how you sell yourself, your services or an idea.
There are many angles to make a copy click-worthy.
Some remarkable ones are:
1. What kind of emotions it triggers?
2. How Powerful the copy sounds?
3. How perfect the copy is?
This FREE perfect tool helps you power-up your copy.

Copy Analyzer Tool
Analyzer how powerful your copy is.

FREE Copy Analyzer: Find out how awesome your copy is. You can use it to analyse your call to action, headline or sales page.
This genius tool analyses your copy for how powerful it is. Grab this freebie fast.

Copy Analyzer Tool
Analyzer how powerful your copy is.