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Rohan Arun
Introducing the world's first video to agents--simply upload a loom video or screen recording to generate no-code desktop automation agents that instantly run on our cloud without installing anything! Test it now at without logging in.
Open Agent Cloud
Open Agent Cloud
Generate no-code automation agents from screen recordings
Rohan Arun
Rohan Arun
left a comment
Congrats! Could I take a screenshot of another website to clone it?
Write Front-End Code 10x Faster āš”ļø
Rohan Arun
Rohan Arun
left a comment
It even solves Recaptchas! šŸ¤Æ
Project Atlas Desktop
Generate no-code agents in natural language
Rohan Arun
Project Atlas generates complex business automation agents step-by-step, then it outputs a no-code drag-drop graph for you to edit. No technical experience or degree in software engineering required. Finally, agents for everyone else.
Project Atlas Desktop
Generate no-code agents in natural language
Rohan Arun
The holy grail of personal assistants- Open Agent Mobile finally enables triggering all custom agents built with Open Agent Studio from simple phrases! We spent 2 years building the foundational infrastructure to automate any process with future-proof agents.
Open Agent Mobile
Open Agent Mobile
Control your custom agents with a mobile voice assistant