Rishabh Sonker

Rishabh Sonker

Product & Growth
192 points
Figma to Webflow plugin
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Rishabh Sonker
Rishabh Sonker
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What is one AI-assisted app that, if gone, would leave you scrambling for alternatives?

The distinction between AI-assisted vs AI-first AI-first: apps/platforms that are build around AI models, for different tasks (eg. blaze.ai, copy.ai, etc.) AI-assisted: that maintain their key use case outside of the AI world, but AI 1. reduces learning curve: e.g Airtable has AI-generated column formulas 2. reduces manual/grunt work: Lex.page uses AI for spellchecks, etc. 3. reduces time...
Rishabh Sonker
Rishabh Sonker
left a comment
Congrats on the launch, Pramod..Exciting to see how far the product has come!
AI Agents by Threado
Instant, automated support for customers and internal teams
Rishabh Sonker
📑 Fetch documents via emails, API or manual upload. PDF, XLS or TXT. 🤖 Extract data from documents, including contracts, invoices and more, using document ai. 🛠️ Create rules to validate data to run workflows. 🔁 Push to 300+ integrations via playmaker.
Document AI by Playmaker
Eliminate manual work & streamline document-based processes.
Rishabh Sonker
Rishabh Sonker
left a comment
This is super helpful! A goldmine of information about communities.
Discover, compare and review the best communities and groups
Rishabh Sonker
Rishabh Sonker
left a comment
This looks awesome; congratulations on the launch!
Your user research sidekick
Rishabh Sonker
Rishabh Sonker
left a comment
Congratulations on the launch, Prashant!
Super app to empower your product teams
Rishabh Sonker
Your community wants to hear from You (and not a bot).

✨ Send a personalized message with helpful links, #channels, or @mentions in their DMs when they join.

✨ Schedule messages delivered minutes, hours, days or weeks after they joined.

✨ and so much more!
Hey for Slack
Hey for Slack
Make your community feel welcomed
Rishabh Sonker
Magik brings everything your team needs to do their best work and build your Digital HQ, inside Slack.Directory, Library, Supersearch, Workflow Automation & so much more, natively in Slack.
Digital HQ for your team on Slack
Rishabh Sonker
Rishabh Sonker
left a comment
Congratulations on the launch, @linda_lian 🙌
Common Room
Common Room
The intelligent community growth platform - start for free
Rishabh Sonker
Rishabh Sonker
left a comment
Love this! Community ftw ⚡
Community OS by Threado
800+ community resources and Notion workbook for free
Rishabh Sonker
Magik enables founders, marketers & community builders to create the community experience they never knew was possible. ⚡
Interact with members, build a community library, & stay up-to-date with your community, without ever leaving Slack. ✨
Magik for Slack
Magik for Slack
Everything you need to build your Community on Slack