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Renee Hoh
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really excited to try out figstack! definitely something I wish I had when I was learning code :-)
Your intelligent coding companion

Renee Hoh
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My favorite part about watching movies and TV shows is definitely debriefing with my friends afterwards -- talking about which scenes we liked or how crazy the plot twist was. Telie makes it so much easier to bond over the shows I love or explore new ones with friends. Try out Telie :-)
Track, share, and choose what you watch with friends

Are your work days filled with support emails? Promptly helps scale your customer support by automating replies directly in Gmail. Trained on your knowledge base and writing style, Promptly is designed to answer customer inquiries and requests on the fly. 📥
Customer support emails, supported with autopilot

"Dunder Mifflin customer service, this is Kelly." Ever wonder just how well the Scranton branch treats its customers? Our tool uses AI to generate answers to your questions, as if you're emailing Dunder Mifflin's customer service representatives themselves. 🖨
Dunder Email
AI-powered customer support for Dunder Mifflin

Renee Hoh
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Greetings Product Hunt ~
We are avid fans of "The Office" and students with too much time on our hands. 📝📠
Our curiosity got the best of us and we created Dunder Email, an AI-powered tool that responds to questions in real-time.
Trained on data from the show, Dunder Email uses AI to emulate Dunder Mifflin's dazzling customer support team.
If you want to know Dunder Mifflin's slogan or the...
Dunder Email
AI-powered customer support for Dunder Mifflin