Jeremy Phelps

Jeremy Phelps

Startup developer, indie hacker
84 points
All activity
Jeremy Phelps
Free habit tracker. Use the “Don’t Break The Chain” principle to make a new habit stick with Just enter your goal, then start ticking the days in the calendar and watch your streak build!
Free habit calendar - “Don’t break the chain!”
Jeremy Phelps
Meet the first app that shows you how much time you have for deep work and shallow work, how much time you spend in meetings, and how you compare to co-workers and globally.
Deep Work Stats
Deep Work Stats
Show your boss how much time you have for real work
Jeremy Phelps

How much of your life is spent in meetings? Finally quantify your meeting pain for free in a couple minutes.

We take privacy very seriously, none of your calendar data is downloaded, just tabulated, and as soon as we finish we remove the token so we can't access anything in the future.

Meeting Stats by
Meeting Stats by
Find out how much time and money you spend in meetings
Jeremy Phelps

I get approached all the time about co-founding roles.

Add transparency to the cofounder search process so people can stop searching and focus on building their product.

Featured Founder
Featured Founder
Transparently showcases startups seeking co-founders