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  • Daniel Miller

    Daniel Miller

    Co-Founder of RecruiterPM
    30 points
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    Daniel Miller
    Daniel Miller
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    I am a trello nut!
    Old Al
    Tools for less overhead?
    Daniel Miller
    Daniel Miller
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    I believe many get it wrong today, but back in the day, Basecamp had great landing pages.
    Pinar Engur
    What is the most important part in a landing page? How do you introduce your product in a best way?
    +1 comment
    Daniel Miller
    Daniel Miller
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    What was your #1 technique for organic marketing that you believe brought in significant organic leads towards your $10M/ARR?
    Andrew Gazdecki
    🔥 AMA 🔥 - Andrew from MicroAcquire! Startup acquisition marketplace!
    Andrew Gazdecki
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    Daniel Miller
    Daniel Miller
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    How do Founders find a Mentor in life to continue growth and development?
    Ashley Higgins
    Hi there 👋 I'm Ashley, Product Hunt's CEO. AMA 👇
    Ashley Higgins
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    Daniel Miller
    Daniel Miller
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    Recruiting. We did it via creating RecruiterPM. Thank goodness. Now we hope the industry enjoys~
    If you could improve the efficiency of any task in your job by 100x, what would it be?
    Oksana Chyketa
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    Daniel Miller
    Daniel Miller
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    People Data Labs is #1 for API and Product perspective for data discovery.
    Fabian Maume
    Which email discovery tool are you using?
    Daniel Miller
    Daniel Miller
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    wordpress blog?
    Abid Unnisa
    I need a suggestion. Which platform is preferable to start a blog?
    +1 comment
    Daniel Miller
    Daniel Miller
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    Managing a Technical team when you have not been a Developer. Wow, what a learning curve. 3 years later, still learning daily.
    Joseph Abraham
    What's your biggest challenge in developing leaders at your startup/company?
    Joseph Abraham
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    Daniel Miller
    Daniel Miller
    started a discussion

    When you launch, how do you target a niche via SEO & Content Marketing?

    How do you target a niche community to share your product, as in our case, within the Recruiting Technology community? #1 tip we were told: Focus on building a blog for RecruiterPM and delivering valuable content that help recruiters understand how to recruit easier and faster. Just launched so now we are on here as well, looking forward to becoming part of the community...
    Daniel Miller
    Daniel Miller
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    Again, Hire competitvely!
    Suhas Bhat
    What's the best way to scale your startup for the first two years?
    Daniel Miller
    Daniel Miller
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    I believe meditation and art works well!
    Mehran Najafi
    How do you take care of your mind & body while working long hours in front of your computer?
    Mehran Najafi
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