Razvan Ilin

Razvan Ilin

Software Engineer, Founder chartbrew.com
272 points
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Razvan Ilin
Chartbrew is an open-source client reporting platform. The reports can be connected to multiple sources at the same time and Chartbrew supports connections to various databases, Firestore, Realtime Database, APIs, and more. Featuring client accounts as well.
Chartbrew v3
Chartbrew v3
Create connected client reports effortlessly
Razvan Ilin
You are finally able to write your newsletter issues in Notion! You can then use Notocat to send these issues to your subscribers. Notocat comes jam-packed with features: issue customization, custom domains, branded subscribe forms, sending analytics, and more
Fully-featured newsletter platform built on Notion
Razvan Ilin
Razvan Ilin
left a comment
This is huge! Congrats on the launch. šŸŽ‰
Find, contact and get featured in 1.3m+ newsletters
Razvan Ilin
Chartbrew is an open source platform where you can query all your data sources to create and share interactive client reports for your team and other stakeholders.

V2 comes with lots of new features, a redesigned UI, and a fresh new logo ā˜•ļø
Chartbrew v2
Chartbrew v2
Visualize data from all your data sources in one place
Razvan Ilin
Razvan Ilin
left a comment
Soooo good šŸ˜
Clarity Dashboard UI
Clarity Dashboard UI
Build your next dashboard faster than the speed of light