YOTODO is the simplest todo app in the world. We have made the user experience so simple that anyone can get a hang of it in few seconds. We built this app in 3 days as part of Todo App Hackathon challenge by Uplabs.com & we won it :). Yotodo is extremely simple & easy to use compared to Wunderlist, Google Keep, Any.do, Microsoft Todo, Todoist etc.

HelpyApp is platform that lets you get help on anything from trusted people near you.
Post a Question in any category, be it Education, Fashion, Fitness, Career or any other category and get it answered by trusted people in your locality. Help people near you --> Make good friends --> Make a better world :)

4Cards is an vocabulary App to learn great words to sound smarter during presentations, meetings & social gatherings. 4Cards teaches just 1 word at a time, 4 words in a day, which means a person can learn 1400+ great words in an year. 4Cards App also shows the meaning of the words in native language of the user for better memorisation of words.