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Randall Bennett
The fastest way to generate clips from long videos. With Bolt Foundry you can get free video transcription and create clips from your videos.
Bolt Foundry
Turn long videos into short clips
Randall Bennett
Randall Bennett
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Too bad closed club is closed. 😞
Closed Club
Closed Club
Browse shut-down start-ups & learn why they closed down
Randall Bennett
Randall Bennett
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Any plans to do part-time programs for people who might just want a refresher?
Lambda School
Lambda School
A full Computer Science education - free until you get a job
Randall Bennett
Randall Bennett
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This is insanely useful. Thanks!
Turn any webpage into a native app
Randall Bennett
Epishow 2
Epishow 2
The easiest way to remotely record audio
Randall Bennett
The simplest way to podcast.