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Rajesh Uppala
Throws is transformative AI-powered video intelligence at your fingertips. Summarize, search, and skip to the vital parts of your media— Our AI breaks videos down into smart summaries and timestamps so you can jump straight to what's most important to you.
Throws AI
Throws AI
Summarize & deep-dive into videos – skip to what's important
Rajesh Uppala
Vampyr is AI-powered video intelligence at your fingertips. Summarize, search, and skip to the good parts—because who has time to watch the whole thing? Our AI breaks videos down into smart summaries and timestamps so you can jump straight to the gold.
Summarize & deep-dive into videos – skip to what's important
Rajesh Uppala
Yolorekt is a decentralized short-term prediction market platform built on blockchain, promoting hyper-gamified social price prediction, and the most dynamic and intuitive user experiences available.
Short-term prediction market platform built on blockchain