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Rajat Paharia
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And in case anyone is interested, when I was trying to build a framework in my head for where Off the Clock existed in the landscape of social apps (particularly Facebook), I ended up writing this: - it's long but you might find it interesting if you're thinking about social apps.

Off the Clock
Talk anonymously about work with others in your profession

Rajat Paharia
left a comment
Hello everyone! We all spend a large part of our lives at our jobs and interfacing with other people at their jobs, and yet:
1. There is no global community of other people doing our job (whether we're a barista, product manager, administrative assistant, or college professor) for us to anonymously share our experiences with and ask questions to, and...
2. Most of us don't have any insight...

Off the Clock
Talk anonymously about work with others in your profession

Off the Clock
Talk anonymously about work with others in your profession