Sergey Radzishevskyi

Sergey Radzishevskyi

Senior Software Engineer at
216 points
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Sergey Radzishevskyi
Contra is where the world’s best companies scale their flexible teams. The all-in-one platform to source, manage and pay freelance, contract and fractional talent.
Contra for Companies
Contra is where companies scale their flexible teams
Sergey Radzishevskyi
Launch in minutes, not months. AI-powered tools let freelancers make customized portfolios fast, designed to get you discovered and grow your business. Show off your work, manage contracts, get clients, and get paid commission-free—all from your portfolio.
Portfolio Magic by Contra
Portfolio Magic by Contra
AI-powered portfolios for freelancers w/ payments+analytics
Sergey Radzishevskyi
Showcase your personal brand with the only portfolio website templates made for freelancers. Plus, get paid directly from your portfolio with commission-free payment tools for independent work.
Portfolios by Contra
A portfolio website that works for you