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Rahul Thakur
Rahul Thakur
started a discussion

We've created, and we're looking for your feedback! (visit

Hey everyone 👋 We’re excited to announce the beta launch of, an AI video personalization tool. In today's marketing landscape, we believe that video personalization is the future of marketing. It has proven to drive engagement, capture users’ attention, increase retention, maximize ROI and boost customer loyalty. With Hypercast, you can effortlessly generate thousands of...
Rahul Thakur
Rahul Thakur
started a discussion

Would you like to beta-test, an AI video personalisation platform? (Read more...)

We’re thrilled to announce the beta launch of, an AI video personalization platform. In today's marketing landscape, we firmly believe that video personalization is the future of marketing. It has proven to drive engagement, capture users’ attention, increase retention and boost customer loyalty. With Hypercast, you can effortlessly generate thousands of personalized videos, with...
Rahul Thakur
Rahul Thakur
started a discussion

Announcing the beta launch of, an AI video personalisation platform

Hey fellow hunters, We’re thrilled to announce the beta launch of, an AI video personalization platform. In today's marketing landscape, we firmly believe that video personalization is the future of marketing. It has proven to drive engagement, capture users’ attention, increase retention and boost customer loyalty. With Hypercast, you can effortlessly generate thousands of...