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Hi everyone, please feel free to contact us on Twitter (@ccparity) or Email ( with any questions. You can also demo an assistant by booking an onboarding call at
Hope you enjoy using Parity as much as we do. Let us know how much time you manage to save each week.

Your personal AI scheduling assistant

With Parity, you can customize your assistant and CC them onto any email thread. It'll sync with your existing calendar and find a good time with others – with no input from you! You can also have your assistant reschedule meetings or follow-up with a click!

Your personal AI scheduling assistant

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Hi everyone,
First, if you have any questions about PRTY, please email us at
Jack and I have been building PRTY for a couple months and recently opened it up for general availability. We hope everyone can benefit from a human-like scheduling assistant to autonomously manage their calendar.
PRTY can (among other things):
- Coordinate events with 2 or more people

Your personal AI scheduling assistant!

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We recently redesigned the entire product from the ground up to run much quicker and more natively on desktop.
We created this product to connect users through music! At Parallel's core are group listening features, stable chat features, and a fun browsing experience. We use the vast catalogue of Apple Music to ensure every song you can imagine is on Parallel. We hope you have as much fun...

Listen to music together and chat with friends

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We created this product to connect users through music! At Parallel's core are group listening features, stable chat features, and a fun browsing experience. We use the vast catalogue of Apple Music to ensure every song you can imagine is on Parallel. We hope you have as much fun using it as we had building it!

Stream music and hang out with friends for free

Parallel comes standard with more than 60 million tracks for listening. Our beautiful browse pages make exploring the catalogue smooth and seamless. Play music together with listening parties: A powerful suite of features to sync playback and queues.

Stream music and hang out with friends for free