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Prasant Lokinendi
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Looks awesome!
Better understand yourself and others using the Enneagram

Prasant Lokinendi
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Congrats on the launch! Looks great!

Learn a new language by browsing the web

Prasant Lokinendi
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Huge fan of Notion! Introduced it into my life about a month ago and have used it extensively for both work and personal productivity

Notion 2.3
Notions big update, now with Evernote import and web clipper

Prasant Lokinendi
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Thanks for the shoutout!

Taplytics Push Notification Guide
A mobile marketer's guide to optimizing push performance

Prasant Lokinendi
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Keep up the good work and maybe work on the UI of the app a little more. The value prop is great, but I often times am incredibly confused by what I should be tapping.
Pros: I've gotten back at least $100 over the past 3-6 months.
Cons: It's already a great product! Only cons I can think of are that I'd like the price monitoring to apply to a wider variety of storefronts.
Automatic refunds from hidden credit card benefits

Hopper's Fair Bear
Bringing transparency to hidden airline fees