Mohan Ganesan

Mohan Ganesan

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Mohan Ganesan
Uses AI to quickly provide the gist of the news and also in bullet points
SEO News Hub
SEO News Hub
Quick SEO news summaries updated every hour
Mohan Ganesan
Get HTML from any page with a simple API call. We handle proxy rotation, browser identities, automatic retries, CAPTCHAs, javascript rendering etc automatically for you.
Proxy API for Web Scraping
Proxy API for Web Scraping
Get HTML from any page with a simple API call
Mohan Ganesan
Math Sheet Makers helps you quickly create beautiful and flexible worksheets that you can send to your students with a link.
Unique feature: Students answer questions online without printing and you can see all the answers as tabs in the dashboard
Math Sheet Maker
Math Sheet Maker
Create math worksheets and get answers in place