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Prottay Rudra
Prottay Rudra
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App that gets answers from a user specified source

Let's say you give it a essay to read that's about 20 pages. It'll read it in 2-5 seconds. After it's done reading it, every time you ask it a question, it'll instantly give you the answers based on the essay. For each question, - It'll give you multiple possible answers from the source. - It'll rank each answer on the percentage scale based on how accurate it might be. - If you...
Prottay Rudra
Prottay Rudra
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Aaron O'Leary
If the Pandemic ended right now, what's the first thing you would do?
Aaron O'Leary
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Prottay Rudra
It is an online tool that helps change the color of an SVG using CSS filter
Change SVG Color Using CSS Filter
Change SVG Color Using CSS Filter
Tool that helps change the color of an SVG using CSS filter
Prottay Rudra
Prottay Rudra
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A application that can generate website code from its link

A couple of months ago there a product featured on product hunt which could generate application code from a website URL. Does anyone remember what its name was?
Prottay Rudra
Ingredient is a web application that helps you find food dishes, recipes and prepare ingredients. Currently, this application covers more than 2 million recipes and their ingredients.

A web application to get food ingredient preparation step