Personally Print3d

Personally Print3d

A saas for printing and packaging
6 points
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Personally Print3d
Personally Print3d
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mostly linkedin
Fabian Maume
Which channel are you using for cold outreach?
Personally Print3d
Personally Print3d
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Doctors appointment app
Viola Schoell
Share your product with the community in just three words
Viola Schoell
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Personally Print3d
Personally Print3d
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Viola Schoell
What's your favorite app or tool that you can't live without?
Viola Schoell
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Personally Print3d
Personally Print3d
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TEa preffered Coffee for fun
Viola Schoell
Coffee or tea?
Viola Schoell
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Personally Print3d
Personally Print3d
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Had a bad sports injury to stay home !!
Viola Schoell
Happy Weekend :) What are your plans?
Viola Schoell
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Personally Print3d
Personally Print3d
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MY fav is X
Atticus Li
What is your favorite social media app?
Personally Print3d
Personally Print3d
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I perfer to have a free trial for some time
Srivatsa Mudumby
Should I offer free trail for my SaaS?
Srivatsa Mudumby
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Personally Print3d
Personally Print3d
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I am using STripe
Fabian Maume
What payment gateway are you using?