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Prashanth Guru
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Curious to try it out. Interesting product.
Question -
1. It's mentioned we can customise the assistant. What level of customization is available?
2. Does it recommend which payment method to choose based on offers ?
Shopping assistant powered by ChatGPT for e-commerce brands

Prashanth Guru
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Must try out, as all the expenses are made on credit card. No worries of bank balance. Flexible repayment cycle and clutter-free bank statement
BOMBSHELL🚨 - Credit on UPI is here
Prashanth Guru
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Prashanth Guru
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Must try out, as all the expenses are made on credit card. No worries of bank balance. Flexible repayment cycle and clutter-free bank statement
BOMBSHELL🚨 - Credit on UPI is here
Prashanth Guru
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Prashanth Guru
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Less is more
Currently there are just 7.4 cr Credit card users in India, which is <10% of the 92 cr Debit card users. But when compared the DC vs CC spends, Debit card spendings are as less as 5% of the Credit card ones.
Most of the Credit card users prefer to make all their expenses on their Credit card by being less reliant on Debit card/Savings account. After UPI entered the market,...

A Credit-on-UPI look-alike payments app

Rive is a Credit-on-UPI look-alike payments app. Users can Scan & pay at any merchant via CREDIT CARD even for petty expenses. Shift all your expenses to your credit card & make your bank statement clutter-free.

A Credit-on-UPI look-alike payments app

Prashanth Guru
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I was a morning person till I joined route. Since my two co-founders are night owls, eventually I wasn't left with any choice. So I am a Night owl too :)
Are you a morning person or rather a night owl?
Daniel Engels
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Prashanth Guru
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Ever went on a lunch of down the beers with friends/colleagues? Yes, we all did at some point of time and had been the POC to pay the bill.
Didn't you ever feel it as a cumbersome task to remember all the bills at the end of trip and split it with your friends to get back the dues? I even felt social awkward some times for reminding petty payments. How about you? Were you in the same...

world's first instant split pay card

Route is solving the bill splitting problem among GenZ and Millennials by building a real-time due settlement system. The system would work with the help of a prepaid card loaded with a pre-approved credit line. Solving the problem of 'social awkwardness'.

world's first instant split pay card

Prashanth Guru
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I am unable to download the app from GP. Can anyone help me out in getting the app on my phone ?

A science-based meditation training app