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Paul Joly
Transform app reviews into actionable insights with AI. Automatically categorize feedback (bugs, feature requests, general feedback) and generate concise summaries, all effortlessly, to quickly improve your product.
Insighty (Beta)
Insighty (Beta)
AI-Powered Feedback Analysis
Paul Joly
Plan your stargazing sessions with precise data such as cloud cover, seeing, transparency, wind, humidity, moonrise, moonset, planet rise, and planet set and now with the exclusive addition of a light pollution map.
Weather Forecast & Light Pollution Maps for Astronomers
Paul Joly
Meteorological services for astronomy. Up-to-date weather forecasts and observational data, with cutting-edge technology and research for reliable information. Pro or amateur, Ouranos helps you stargaze to the fullest.
Ouranos API
Ouranos API
Weather service and API specialized in astronomy
Paul Joly
LiteStore allows you to search for web apps and find out what features are available on them.
Also, you can see how much storage and CO2 emission you will save by installing the web app instead of downloading the native app from other stores.
Save storage space and CO2 emissions by installing web apps
Paul Joly
Glance adapts your interface prototyping process to VR, from ✏️ wireframing to ▶️ testing.
Prototype VR apps. At a glance.
Paul Joly
Paul Joly
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Great Product !
Open-source library of Tailwind CSS components