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David Sharek
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Happy Friday Product Hunt!
Dave from Playgraph here. I had an itch to scratch over the holidays so I built Our Feels. It’s a social experiment that lets you share and explore all the feelings around you.
The idea came to me whilst building another hyperlocal side project. The question I wanted to answer was “could I build a simple app that would let people keep their finger on the pulse of...

Our Feels
Share and explore all the feels around you

Our Feels is a mobile web app and social experiment that lets you explore how people are feeling near you. By submitting your feels, you can also keep track of your own feelings together with additional context such as: time of day, weather conditions, and specific locations.

Our Feels
Share and explore all the feels around you

David Sharek
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Looks like you have a great new design, congrats! Goal-setting can be difficult to get right, can you provide some background for how the app is “empirically proven”?

Empirically proven to transform goals into reality

David Sharek
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Simple and fun! Love how it taps into the element of curiosity.

Take a thought. Leave a thought.

David Sharek
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One of the release videos described Firestore as "near real-time". What are the real-time differences between Firestore and the original real-time database?

Cloud Firestore, by Firebase
Store, sync and query app data at global scale

David Sharek
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The email containing the free list download resulted in an error page and a prompt to open in WeChat. Doing so prompted a warning from WeChat that the link was suspicious and has been blocked.

Promotehour 2.0
Free list of 1100+ media outlets to pitch your startup

David Sharek
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The steps leading up to sending the chain were a bit mysterious and at times I wondered if this would be a disaster resulting in me spamming everyone I know. I'm happy to say I was pleasantly surprised. I like the simple call to actions and I can see how they could promote sharing. I recommend working on the on-boarding process with a focus on transparency so the user knows what will happen...

The best way to spread your message like a virus!

David Sharek
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Looks interesting. In a nutshell, aside from being open source, in which key areas is this differentiated from Firebase?

A faster Firebase with an open source core

David Sharek
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@bradenream, love the general idea behind the app! How do you reconcile anonymity wth Facebook sign-ins? What techniques are you implementing behind the scenes to ensure anonymity? Also, how do you moderate anonymous content?

Anonymously share & discover real-time events in your city

David Sharek
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I'm pretty stoked about this. The only thing keeping me from fully embracing Ionic was the lack of desktop support. From their news release: "With the new responsive Grid system and Split Panel in Ionic Framework 2.2.0, Ionic developers can now build UIs that scale up from smartphones through tablets and desktop displays. All with one code base."
Ionic for Desktop
Ionic is now Desktop Ready

David Sharek
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Big fan of Font Awesome! I thought this hunt was for 5.0 though.

Font Awesome Icons
The complete set of 675 icons in Font Awesome

David Sharek
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I love the idea of incorporating sentiment analysis into online content creation. Is there a monetization strategy for this plugin? Since it is a free plugin, how will you overcome IBM's data cap for Watson/Bluemix services?

An enhanced sentiment analysis for your Wordpress content.

David Sharek
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What a great time to be using Firebase. This gives me the feels.

Cloud Functions for Firebase
Run your mobile backend code without managing servers

David Sharek
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Fun idea, but think of all the people in the airport it may trip up. It will need a pole with a flag so people could see it while rushing to their terminal.
Fully autonomous robot suitcase

David Sharek
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Entertaining and immensely informative. This book made me think bigger and deeper about my idea by expanding my focus beyond just building a great and valuable product. Grounded in research, the authors posit that truly great and enduring companies must master product design, company design, and category design. The focus of the book is on category design which was a new concept to me. The idea...

Play Bigger
Design the category. Dominate the market.

Play Bigger
Design the category. Dominate the market.

David Sharek
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@guillegette I've been "starring" messages to keep track of things I needed to do. This is much, much better. Thanks for developing this!

A to-do list for your team inside Slack

David Sharek
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@tonychen, I love the simplicity of this idea. Was it fairly seamless to set up using I'd love to learn how you did that.

Simple chat room for Reddit subreddits