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Not enough time to watch your favorite YouTube content? Our AI creates creates personalized ~5 min audio podcasts that summarize your content, daily or on-demand. Best of all, you can listen to your personalized podcast in your phone's podcast app or in-web.
MyDailyPod (MyDP)
MyDailyPod (MyDP)
An AI that creates ~5 min pods summarizing your content
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LLM API of choice: Cost vs. Context Window & Quality

Hi all. Very curious how those building LLM-based apps are using the various LLM models/apis given the differences in cost, context window, quality. Personally, I'm always trying to find the right balance across these factors, creating the best possible app at lowest possible cost. I'll provide a view of how we do this in our app. Would love to know how others are tackling this! --OUR AI...
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congrats! and thanks for the valuable lessons learned.
JD Worcester
Finished #2, thank you for all your support! 🎉❤️