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megadisrupter - Episode 2: John Markoff
Meaning of disruptive innovation; John Markoff interview

Phil Martie
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This show is sweet! Great episode. Like the Blab version as well.

The Pitch - 14: Phenom
Brian Verne pitches to investors Alex Mittal & Peter Kazanjy

Phil Martie
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Great first episode. So happy with how effective content marketing is because I truly hate the aesthetic and functionality challenges of ads.

Know Your Audience Podcast - 1: Art of Storytelling
Melanie Deziel - Director of Creative Strategy at Time Inc.

Phil Martie
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The original Tim Ferris podcast with Naval was excellent as well. Be PRESENT.

The Tim Ferriss Show - Naval Ravikant
Naval Ravikant on happiness hacks & 5 Chimps Theory

Phil Martie
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Hi everyone. A quick intro: megadisrupter is focused on work fulfillment through the science of disruptive innovation. It applies especially to those who have entrepreneurial tendencies, but still work for someone else. The megadisrupter theory is that any employee at any level and any company can be a disruptive innovator.
The podcast is new, but the blog has been around a few years. Please...

megadisrupter - Episode 1: Whitney Johnson
Tech-driven unemployment fear; Whitney Johnson Interview

megadisrupter - Episode 1: Whitney Johnson
Tech-driven unemployment fear; Whitney Johnson Interview