Philip James

Philip James

Artist, Zine-maker, CTO
87 points
All activity
Philip James
Looking to monetize group membership, but stuck staring at site builders and billing products? Launch makes it easy to just. get. started. Set up billing and beautiful landing pages, track membership automatically and effortlessly for any private space.
Launch by Burb
Launch your membership in minutes instead of months
Philip James
Philip James
left a comment
This is incredible, it's going to save so much time.
Remove anything unwanted in seconds - 100% free
Philip James
Hello Caller helps podcasters and streamers host call-in shows. Collaboratively screen calls, organize a call queue, and talk to callers, right in your browser.
Hello Caller
Hello Caller
Hello Caller helps podcasters, streamers host call-in shows
Philip James
Sometimes a reacji isn't enough, and your team needs to see your face to really feel you victory.
VictoryPic makes it easy to share selfies in Slack, as reactions or on their own, so your team feels more connected than they've ever been.
Connect with your team. In Slack. Via selfies.
Philip James
A list of all the companies WFH or events changed because of covid-19
Who’s staying home because of COVID-19?
Philip James

Thanks (for Python) is a tool for helping pythonistas give back to the community.

Thanks (for Python)
Thanks (for Python)
A Python tool for giving back to the packages we use.