Peyton Hayslette

Peyton Hayslette

Product @ Paceline
183 points
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Peyton Hayslette
Peyton Hayslette
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So a content filter and a relevancy algorithm is a redesign these days 🤔
New Snapchat
New Snapchat
The new Snapchat, redesigned to separate social from media
Peyton Hayslette
Peyton Hayslette
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So awesome. Pumped to see what people are able to do with this
Airbnb Official API
Airbnb Official API
Develop your application for millions of travelers & hosts
Peyton Hayslette
Peyton Hayslette
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Thinking back to the struggles of making image maps... Oh the horror. This is great!
The fastest and easiest way to create interactive images
Peyton Hayslette
Peyton Hayslette
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Solid name
Jammy Guitar
Portable steel string digital guitar made to play anywhere
Peyton Hayslette
Peyton Hayslette
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Would love to see this for Product roles!
Design Gigs for Good
Design Gigs for Good
Job postings at the intersection of design & social impact
Peyton Hayslette
Peyton Hayslette
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Glad to be among other Swarm truthers
Swarm 5.0
Swarm 5.0
Remember everywhere.
Peyton Hayslette
Peyton Hayslette
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I feel as if I saw this on here like two years ago 👴🏻
Light Phone
Phone designed to be used as little as possible