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Petr Kubes
Learn foreign language vocabulary with AI-powered, spaced-repetition flashcards. Study high-frequency words or add words from your favorite contentβ€”YouTube videos, web articles or text. Cards are automatically created with images, sentence examples and audio.
Vocabuo - The vocabulary app
Vocabuo - The vocabulary app
Learn languages with AI, spaced-repetition flashcards
Petr Kubes
Vokabeln helps you learn German vocabulary, by generating flashcards with the German word, sentence examples and word explanation. The app can extract vocabulary from any text (handles conjugations) and you can learn from that, or simply by word frequency.
Learn German with AI generated flashcards
Petr Kubes
Blabot app is a chatbot which helps you learn languages by having a conversation with you. You can chose from a variety of languages: English, German, Spanish and French. Your sentences will be corrected to help you learn from mistakes.
Learn languages by conversing with an AI
Petr Kubes
A tool for converting youtube videos to gif. The difference between this and all other tools, is that this one uses the power of the browser, to make the conversion much faster. Also, no time and quality limits or watermarks!
Youtube to gif - super fast
Youtube to gif - super fast
Convert youtube videos to gif with no limits in your browser
Petr Kubes is a tool for creating gif memes. It's features include motion tracking images and text, animating edits manually, adding a title, and exporting into gifs and webms. User can also select a template for faster meme creation.
Create gif memes with motion tracked text or images