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Twitter can teach you more in 6 months than 4 years of university. I’ve spent 150+ hours gathering 2000 of the best twitter threads on 20 different subjects. Receive a masterclass on Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Productivity and much more (full list in vid).

Twitter University
2000 of the best twitter threads, hand-picked & categorized.

Cal Thirkill
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What’s up Product Hunters 👋,
Hope you’re having a kickass day!
I'm relaunching this 11 months after the initial run to let people know the full course is now completely free. You can donate an amount of your choosing (and I'm super grateful to the kind souls who do) but paying $0 is also fine.
Throughout the 11 months I haven't had a single refund so I must have done something right...

Build a GIANT
EVERYTHING needed to launch and swiftly scale your business

Cal Thirkill
left a comment
Hey Product Hunters 👋,
Hope you’re all well!
I'm relaunching this roughly 11 months after the initial run simply to let people know it is now completely free. People can donate an amount of their choosing if they want (and I'm super grateful to the kind souls who do) but paying $0 is also fine.
Twitter is a goldmine of knowledge with experts on pretty much any topic, IF you know where to...

Twitter University
2000 of the best twitter threads, hand-picked & categorized.

Run a business? Starting one soon? Learn the proven blueprint for building GIANTS. Find golden product ideas, optimize until they’re irresistible, build the ultimate sales page and attract your ideal audience. Then keep improving to stay on top for years.

Build a GIANT
EVERYTHING needed to launch and swiftly scale your business

Twitter can teach you more in 6 months than 4 years of university. I’ve spent 150+ hours gathering 2000 of the best twitter threads on 20 different subjects. Receive a masterclass on Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Productivity and much more (full list in vid).

Twitter University
2000 of the best twitter threads, hand-picked & categorized

To celebrate my new Build a GIANT course here’s the first third completely free. Learn how to find golden goose products in your niche. Then uncover the secret to quickly taking over markets, even if you’re the last to enter. SPOILER: It doesn’t cost much.

Build a GIANT
Find all the trending products making 6-figures in any niche

Cal Thirkill
left a comment
Hey Product Hunters 👋,
Hope you’re having an A+ week!
If you run a business or want to start one soon here’s an early Christmas present. Grab the first third of my new course completely free 🎅.
❌ 60% of businesses fail in the first 3 years. Mainly because their products suck. Great marketing, branding and sales can’t stop a weak product from bleeding money.
Finding winners that sell...

Build a GIANT
Find all the trending products making 6-figures in any niche

Cal Thirkill
left a comment
Hey Product Hunters 👋,
Hope you’re all well!
Until a year ago I thought Twitter was just for political turf wars and k-pop stans.
How wrong I was!
It’s a goldmine of knowledge with experts on pretty much any topic, IF you know where to look. Sadly that’s when the problems begin...
❌ There’s 200 million daily users. Finding the hidden gem accounts that regularly share nuggets of wisdom is...

Twitter University
2000 of the best twitter threads, hand-picked & categorized