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  • Pawel Soproniuk

    Pawel Soproniuk

    co-founder @LegacyApp, launching Q3/24
    24 points
    All activity
    Pawel Soproniuk
    Pawel Soproniuk
    started a discussion

    Final Launch vs. Beta Launch: Pros and Cons

    Hi, I'm about to launch my project and am wondering if it's a good idea to launch beta versions while they're still in open testing on Google Play and the App Store. The app is fully functional; we're still making some fixes, but I feel it's good to go and ready to be shown to the world. How do you approach this? I've seen some projects launched in beta, but I'd love to hear from those of you...
    Pawel Soproniuk
    Pawel Soproniuk
    started a discussion

    Final Launch vs. Beta Launch: Pros and Cons

    Hi, I'm about to launch my project and am wondering if it's a good idea to launch beta versions while they're still in open testing on Google Play and the App Store. The app is fully functional; we're still making some fixes, but I feel it's good to go and ready to be shown to the world. How do you approach this? I've seen some projects launched in beta, but I'd love to hear from those of you...
    Pawel Soproniuk
    Pawel Soproniuk
    left a comment
    Fingers crossed. Did you recruit your beta-testers also here, on Product Hunt?
    Huxley Jay
    Why Launch on Product Hunt: A Personal Experience
    Pawel Soproniuk
    Pawel Soproniuk
    left a comment
    Yuval, is it possible to do guides like this for mobile app (andorid/iOS)?
    Glitter AI
    Glitter AI
    Turn any process into a step-by-step guide
    Pawel Soproniuk
    Pawel Soproniuk
    started a discussion

    Is AI truly a 'Must-Have' for every new launch?

    Browsing through new launches, it feels like everything is AI-related. It seems you need to incorporate some AI element just to get noticed, even if it's not a core part of your project. From your perspective, specifically to investors: Do you think a project that is not AI-based has a chance of getting funded nowadays? Would you prefer to add an AI-based feature just to be on the radar (and...
    Pawel Soproniuk
    NuPlays is a marketing and selling platform and Facebook fan page app that helps artists and labels to create releases of new albums.
    Sales platform for independent artists
    Pawel Soproniuk
    Pawel Soproniuk
    started a discussion

    Seeking the Ultimate Customer Help Software!

    πŸ‘‹ Hey ProductHunt community, I'm on the lookout for the most efficient customer help software that can redefine the way I communicate with my consumers. Here's what I'm imagining: Must-Have Features: - Unified Dashboard: I want all communications, regardless of their origin, to funnel into one external app - Seamless Integration: The software should effortlessly tie into both Android and iOS...
    Pawel Soproniuk
    Pawel Soproniuk
    started a discussion

    OneSignal integration

    Hello! πŸ‘‹ I'm thinking about using OneSignal for my notifications. Can anyone tell me: Is it easy to use? πŸ“² Any surprise costs? πŸ’° Thanks for helping!
    Pawel Soproniuk
    Pawel Soproniuk
    started a discussion

    Mapping the Product Hunt community: Where are we from?

    Hey fellow Product Hunters! 🌍 Ever wonder about the geographical diversity of the community? I'm curious to learn about where most of us are tuning in from! So, let's do a quick check-in from around the globe. 🌐 Cast your vote in the poll below indicating which part of the world you're representing! But let's not stop there. Do you notice certain regions being more represented here on Product...
    Pawel Soproniuk
    Pawel Soproniuk
    left a comment
    I really like the idea - wish it integrated with Spotify
    Aaron O'Leary
    What are some user acquisition tactics that have worked for you?
    Aaron O'Leary
    Join the discussion
    Pawel Soproniuk
    Pawel Soproniuk
    left a comment
    Great product, any plans for rollout in Poland?
    Cake Equity
    Equity for today's most successful startup teams