Pavel Naiya

Pavel Naiya

πŸš€ From Analyst to Indie Maker
1 point


Hey there! πŸ™Œ I'm Pavel Naiya, transitioning from a 9-year stint in research and consulting to the indie hacking scene. Excited to bring my expertise and fresh ideas to this solo journey! πŸš€ 🎯 2024 Goals: πŸ’° Aiming for $10K/MRR. πŸš€ Launching 6 innovative products. 🐦 Targeting 5K Twitter followers. πŸ“ Sharing insights via 24 bi-weekly blogs. 🌱 Growth & Exploration: πŸ€– Exploring Applied AI for smarter solutions. πŸ“ˆ Delving into growth hacking and community building. πŸ” Mastering programmatic SEO techniques. 🌟 Join Me! Ready to navigate 2024 together? From achievements to lessons learned, let's make this year unforgettable! Your support means the world. πŸ“š


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Gone streaking