Pierre Arnoux

Pierre Arnoux

Tech enthusiast and ML expert.
14 points
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Pierre Arnoux
GPT Law helps you navigate your legal journey, so you're in control of your future. GPT Law searches past court cases, laws and regulations and helps you understand them in plain terms.
Your Legal AI Guide
Pierre Arnoux
LLM Sandbox is an all-in-one environment to detect hallucinations, evaluate your prompts, select the right data to fine tune your models and track performance version after version.
LLM Sandbox by Dioptra
LLM Sandbox by Dioptra
Everything you need to evaluate & improve prompts and LLMs
Pierre Arnoux
Dioptra diagnoses your model to identify failure modes like bias and drift; and uses active learning techniques to curate the best data to fix it.
The metrics engine for better data and better models
Pierre Arnoux
Dioptra is a data centric model validation platform. It monitors models in production, finds error patterns, helps you build a dataset to fix them, and validates the impact of the new model iteration.
Automate model improvement for computer vision and NLP