I am very passionate about product development and digital marketing. I started my first freemium digital product back in 2017 and I was fortunate enough to impact over 300k people worldwide with the product. Since then I have created some amazing digital tools specifically for the Android community. Today I am reaching out to the business community to provide expert assistance on matters relating to business software, making money online, and computer programming. To get in contact with me, visit my website or contact me through email at paget@pajereviews.com. [Paje Reviews](https://pajereviews.com) Regards, Paget
Founder & Leadership at Paje Reviews


Gone streaking

Gone streaking 5
Maker History
- Business Startup - Entrepreneur MindsetBusiness Ideas and Business Plans for Entrepreneur MindsetFeb 2022
Joined Product HuntFebruary 9th, 2022