Omri Tamir

Omri Tamir

Designer, Developer and Problem Solver.
14 points
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Omri Tamir
Gloo is a collection of 70+ features, extensions and widgets to go past the limits imposed by Elementor and achieve things previously unthinkable without an entire developer team. More than an addon, Gloo provides endless solutions to do more, quickly.
Power tools for Elementor
Omri Tamir
Omri Tamir
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Looks extremely useful. Good luck!
Document automation alchemy
Omri Tamir
Omri Tamir
started a discussion

Has WFH impacted your productivity? if yes, by how much?

Now that a lot of companies are either going back to working at the office or adopting a hybrid model, what would you say was your experience with WFH? I know people who love it and work way better, and others that just couldn't get stuff done. What about you?
Omri Tamir
Omri Tamir
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Word of mouth, for sure. Networking comes first!
Dhruv Bhatia
How did you get your first 10 paying customers?
Omri Tamir
Omri Tamir
started a discussion

Have you ever successfully rebranded your product or company?

We all know a sudden change in branding is a risky move. We've seen many companies suddenly fail because of a mishandled rebranding. What's your personal experience?
Omri Tamir
Omri Tamir
left a comment
WhatsApp, Linkedin and mayyybe instagram. Use all 3 for work!
Raphael S.
If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your phone, which ones would you keep?