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olivia june
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Hey! Thanks for hunting, friends! I made this app to solve for the fact that it's simply hard to make new friends as an adult. Life moves quickly, and with moving, travel, changing jobs, the ins and outs of romance, and major life stage changes (hello, motherhood!), I found the most essential thing to feel at home, confident, happy, and living our best lives, is a network of supportive friends....

Connecting awesome women for fun, for work, for life

Connecting awesome women for fun, for work, for life

Tinder for (girl) friends

olivia june
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I met the Hoverboard team recently and was really impressed by what they're doing. This is definitely a top-of-the-line, spare-no-expense interpretation of a self-propelling gyroscopic electric board. It may not literally hover, but you get the practicality of a scooter/electric skateboard and it looks and feels like you're hovering above the ground with that razor style wheel.

The Hoverboard
The Next Evolution in Personal Electric Mobility

The Hoverboard
The Next Evolution in Personal Electric Mobility

Empowering women to brag & celebrate!