I am a CEO and Founder of Extrovert, several times founder with one successful exit. We have built Extrovert because we used to be b2b SaaS founders, and felt the pain of outbound selling when you are a stranger to your customer. I am a techno-optimist and I strongly believe in "build something people want" and "software is eating the world" concepts. I admire entrepreneurship, especially in the tech space. I am a strong believer in remote work and global teams and products. I live in Düsseldorf, Germany with my wife and dog (a labradoodle named Lalo).
Founder & Leadership at Extrovert



Tastemaker 5

Gone streaking
Maker History
- ExtrovertWarm up and nurture prospects on LinkedInOct 2024
Joined Product HuntJuly 29th, 2020