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Ömer Karışman
Generate your own CFB 25 player card with the power of AI and see where the crystal ball has you signing! Find out your star rating, overall, and where you will ultimately sign!
College Football 25 Player Card Maker
College Football 25 Player Card Maker
Discover your ⭐ and OVR and get your free player card!
Ömer Karışman
Muse Pro revolutionizes digital art on iPad with AI-driven creativity. Paint in realtime, upscale and enhance in seconds. Experience intuitive design, advanced layers, and custom brushes. Transform ideas into stunning visuals anywhere in moments.
Muse Pro
Muse Pro
Ultimate AI-enhanced sketching and painting app
Ömer Karışman
No need to jump between browser tabs or clutter your workspace with extra windows; access the intelligence of ChatGPT straight from your status bar.
Easy access to ChatGPT on Mac
Ömer Karışman

Filter Off! is a new iOS SMS filter extension powered with CoreML AI. It also gives the absolute control to user by allowing to allow or filter specific keywords in both sender and message body. Available now!

Filter Off
Filter Off
Filter spam SMS on iOS with this new AI powered extension.
Ömer Karışman
Unobtrusive alerts for iOS
Ömer Karışman

Filter Off! is a new iOS SMS filter extension powered with CoreML AI. It also gives the absolute control to user by allowing to allow or filter specific keywords in both sender and message body.

Filter Off!
Filter Off!
FILTER spam sms OFF with the power of AI