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Personally I don't see the value of having YET ANOTHER video conference solution. It's like someone making another music service.
Cloud video conferencing and simple online meetings
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Used it this year and drafted me the worst ranked team. Unlike last season where I drafted the best using this tool. Did you guys stop upkeeping the site?
Draft Smarts 2.0
The easiest way to win your fantasy leagues
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When will the states get this game? I can't wait to play it.
Go to war with your friends and become the world’s best squa
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It would be good to know what kind of games have been shipped in the past.
Mystery Gaming Subscription
3 Retro games delivered every month for £12
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If you partnered with arcadeblock, it would be a game changer.
Mystery Gaming Subscription
3 Retro games delivered every month for £12
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When is Java coming to CodeCombat?
Learn to Code JavaScript by Playing a Game
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I can't see myself paying for this until I see a mobile app that compliments this. I am trying to schedule my tasks and calendar when on the move or on my commute to and from work so the mobile app is 100% crucial for me to make a decision. I just wanted to post this in case others feel the same. Upvote if you agree.
Ditch your todo list for an intelligent schedule
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This feature used to be built into Netflix on Xbox live. I gained a best friend as a result. Then all of a sudden it was taken away for no reason. Such a shame. With the voice chat function on Xbox live it was the most fun way to watch Netflix. I'm glad this feature was resurrected on the web.
Netflix Party
Synchronize Netflix playback with friends remotely
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This works like a charm and has worked well to send out changelog updates with these gifs to better display functionality.
Free app that helps you make animated gifs