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Odin Hørthe Omdal
Breakout Groups lets hosts on all price plans start breakout sessions where participants can split into smaller groups. Perfect for working with your team or classmates, or hanging out with friends on Whereby.
Breakout Groups by Whereby
Breakout Groups by Whereby
The easiest way to team up, break out, and collaborate
Odin Hørthe Omdal
XL Rooms is a new feature in the Whereby Business plan, designed to maximize bandwidth, increase focus, and allow all team members to participate to the conversation without interrupting the speakers. XL rooms hold up to 50 people with 12 on stage with video.
XL video rooms in Whereby
XL video rooms in Whereby
Bring your whole team together & involve them all
Odin Hørthe Omdal
Easy and flexible meetings in the browser. Create your permanent own video room ( that guests can join simply by clicking the link. No downloads or registration required by guests, no host required in meetings.
Freedom to work from anywhere.